Recent Minutes
Pastoral Council:
October 18, 2018 meeting: pastoral__council_meeting_-_101818__3_.pdf
February 28, 2019 meeting: pastoral_council_meeting_minutes_feb_2019.pdf
March 21, 2019 meeting: pastoral_council_minutes_march_2019.pdf
April 25, 2019 meeting: pastoral_council_minutes_april_2019.pdf
May 16, 2019 meeting: pastoral_council_may_2019.pdf
July 18, 2019 meeting:pastoral_council_july_2019.pdf
September 19,2019 meeting:pastoral_council_september_19_2019.pdf
Finance Council:
October 3, 2018 meeting: st_gall_finance_council_minutes_10_03_18__1_.pdf
December 5, 2018 meeting: st_gall_finance_council_minutes_12_05_18__1_.pdf
February 6, 2019 meeting: finance_council_minutes_february_2019.pdf
June 12, 2019 meeting: st_gall_finance_council_minutes_06_12_19.pdf
August 14, 2019 meeting:finance_council_minutes_august_2019.pdf
October 9, 2019 meeting: finance_council_october_2019.pdf
February 12, 2020 meeting:finance_council_minutes_february_2020.pdf
July 22, 2020 meeting:st._gall_finance_minutes_july_22_2020.pdf
September 23, 2020:st._gall_finance_minutes_september_23_2020.pdf
Buildings & Grounds Committee:
No available minutes at this time
Pastoral Council
The St. Gall Pastoral Council advises the Pastor on the pastoral needs and initiatives of the parish so that we can fulfill our parish mission.
Chair and Parish Trustee: Dave Gatz (second term expires 7/1/22)
Kathy Bartel (first term expires 9/1/21)
Greg Farrell (second term expires 7/1/22)
Bill Keck (first term expires 7/1/19)
Mike Simms (first term expires 9/1/21)
Jane Smith (first term expires 2/28/22)
Vanessa Quail (first term expires 2/28/22)
Jack Murdock (first term expires 2/28/22)
Rick Adams (first term expires 2/28/22)
Trudy Bednarek (first term expires 2/28/22)
Chair and Parish Trustee: Dave Gatz (second term expires 7/1/22)
Kathy Bartel (first term expires 9/1/21)
Greg Farrell (second term expires 7/1/22)
Bill Keck (first term expires 7/1/19)
Mike Simms (first term expires 9/1/21)
Jane Smith (first term expires 2/28/22)
Vanessa Quail (first term expires 2/28/22)
Jack Murdock (first term expires 2/28/22)
Rick Adams (first term expires 2/28/22)
Trudy Bednarek (first term expires 2/28/22)
Finance Council
The St. Gall Finance Council advises the Pastor on the financial needs of the parish with the goal of practicing good stewardship of the temporal goods entrusted to the parish by its parishioners. Specifically, the Finance Council helps prepare the annual budget, reviews the current status of income and expenditures in all accounts, and discusses the funding of future projects and ministry initiatives when such counsel is necessary.
Chair: Joshua Quail
Pam Barz
Lou Corsello
Bill Keck
Jeff Walter
Bill White
Mary Fran Korth, St. Gall Business Manager, attends each meeting and provides financial records and input
Chair: Joshua Quail
Pam Barz
Lou Corsello
Bill Keck
Jeff Walter
Bill White
Mary Fran Korth, St. Gall Business Manager, attends each meeting and provides financial records and input
Buildings & Grounds Committee
The St. Gall Building and Grounds Committee advises the Pastor on all matters pertaining to maintenance of the Parish Buildings and Grounds (including: the church building, the office building, the campus grounds, the rectory and grounds on Rt 47, and the Parish Cemetery).
Chair: Dave Burroughs
Bruce Aderman
Brian Allen
Bill Bushnell
Eldon Gould
Ron Carasella
Mary Fran Korth
Chair: Dave Burroughs
Bruce Aderman
Brian Allen
Bill Bushnell
Eldon Gould
Ron Carasella
Mary Fran Korth