Altar Server
Serve at the altar during the mass on Sundays and Holy Days.
The ministry is Cantor is an important facet of a strong parish music ministry and is open to any parishioner with the gift of music, whether vocal or instrumental. The Cantor leads sung prayer at each mass. The CANTOR’S main purpose is to animate the assembly, help them feel confident, and enable their participation in the singing of the psalm and other music.
The Minister of the Word (Lector) serves as the storyteller of the worshipping assembly. More than a reader, the Lector PROCLAIMS the Word of God, making Christ with and in the assembly through the Word.
Gifts Presenter
At every mass the Gifts (meaning the bread, wine, and monetary collection) are brought forward to the altar by the person or family serving in the role of Gifts Presenter.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister
Visibly share the presence of Jesus during the Communion Rite by offering the Body and Blood of Christ to your Catholic brothers and sisters.
The Sacristan is the behind the scenes person taking care of details; a sort of Mass Coordinator. They take care of all the details from unlocking the doors and turning on the lights to setting up the Eucharistic needs. If scheduled ministers are not present the Sacristan finds a replacement well before the start of the liturgy.
Serve at the altar during the mass on Sundays and Holy Days.
The ministry is Cantor is an important facet of a strong parish music ministry and is open to any parishioner with the gift of music, whether vocal or instrumental. The Cantor leads sung prayer at each mass. The CANTOR’S main purpose is to animate the assembly, help them feel confident, and enable their participation in the singing of the psalm and other music.
The Minister of the Word (Lector) serves as the storyteller of the worshipping assembly. More than a reader, the Lector PROCLAIMS the Word of God, making Christ with and in the assembly through the Word.
Gifts Presenter
At every mass the Gifts (meaning the bread, wine, and monetary collection) are brought forward to the altar by the person or family serving in the role of Gifts Presenter.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Minister
Visibly share the presence of Jesus during the Communion Rite by offering the Body and Blood of Christ to your Catholic brothers and sisters.
The Sacristan is the behind the scenes person taking care of details; a sort of Mass Coordinator. They take care of all the details from unlocking the doors and turning on the lights to setting up the Eucharistic needs. If scheduled ministers are not present the Sacristan finds a replacement well before the start of the liturgy.
WEDDING Assistant
The Wedding Assistant is assigned to a wedding couple and becomes their parish liaison in many ways. They are helpful and hospitable to the bridal party in every way possible.
FUNERAL Assistant
The Funeral Assistant is assigned to a bereaved family and becomes their parish liaison in many ways. They are helpful, hospitable, and comforting to the grieving family in every way possible.
Ushers and Greeters "are hosts who put a face on the parish. They welcome those who arrive and begin the process of forming them as a worshipping body. … All who enter should feel the sense of Christian welcome. As an Usher or a Greeter, if you are on duty when someone enters your church, be on your toes. The next person who enters may be a saint or a sinner. Each one of us is a sinner, and each one of us is a child of God. The next person who enters the church will know whether or not you offered proper hospitality. That person is Christ." [From "Guide for Ushers and Greeter" by Kerie Ferrell and Fr. Paul Turner, page 1]
Art & Environment Committee
The purpose of this ministry is threefold: 1) to help people participate at Mass; 2) to help people draw closer to God and 3) to help them develop a sense of awe in God’s presence. These purposes are accomplished through the use of beauty, color, fabrics, florals, decorative arts, symbolism, and more.
Ushers and Greeters "are hosts who put a face on the parish. They welcome those who arrive and begin the process of forming them as a worshipping body. … All who enter should feel the sense of Christian welcome. As an Usher or a Greeter, if you are on duty when someone enters your church, be on your toes. The next person who enters may be a saint or a sinner. Each one of us is a sinner, and each one of us is a child of God. The next person who enters the church will know whether or not you offered proper hospitality. That person is Christ." [From "Guide for Ushers and Greeter" by Kerie Ferrell and Fr. Paul Turner, page 1]
Art & Environment Committee
The purpose of this ministry is threefold: 1) to help people participate at Mass; 2) to help people draw closer to God and 3) to help them develop a sense of awe in God’s presence. These purposes are accomplished through the use of beauty, color, fabrics, florals, decorative arts, symbolism, and more.
If you are interested in helping out in any of these areas or are interested in more information, please contact the Parish Office at 630-365-6030 or by email: [email protected]