Upcoming events include: NOVEMBER 8 - St. Gall Bingo, Potluck, Chili Cook Off and Children's Bulletin Contest drawing! DECEMBER 15 & 18 - Class parties and Eucharistic Adoration! 20 - Advent Celebration: Anticipating Christmas play followed by cookies and hot chocolate!
Get your Children's Bulletins or coloring pages from the Parish Library or click on the box above for the link!
Winners will be drawn again in 2020! FEBRUARY 26 - ASH WEDNESDAY!
Put your completed bulletins in the Contest Box in the Parish Library!
Students and teens completed Children’s Bulletins and coloring pages to enter our Bible contest!
Prizes are a toddler Bible, First Readers Bible, the Action Bible, Bible Index Tabs and much more!
Watch for more opportunities to grow your faith and learn more about Jesus!